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2024 Judging Schedule

Date Event Location Start Time   End Time
Mon 8/5 Education Building exhibit drop-off
Departments 28–30
Education Building 12:00 pm 8:00 pm
Mon 8/5 Agriculture Building exhibit drop-off
Departments 17–27 & 117
Agriculture Building 5:00 pm 8:00 pm
Tue 8/6 Agriculture Building exhibit drop-off
Departments 17–27 & 117
Agriculture Building 8:00 am 5:00 pm
Tue 8/6 Education Building exhibit drop-off
Departments 28–30
Education Building 8:00 am 12:00 pm
Tue 8/6 4-H General Project Judging 4-H Building 11:00 am 5:00 pm
Tue 8/6 Depts 28–30: Education Judging Education Building 4:00 pm
Tue 8/6 4-H Poultry Showmanship
No pigeons or doves – see separate event Thursday at 7:30 a.m.
Show Tent 6:00 pm 8:00 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 19: Floriculture Judging (Divisions A–F) Agriculture Building 6:30 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 25: Arts, Crafts, Hobbies & Antiques Judging (Division B [Antiques]) Agriculture Building 6:30 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 27: Photography Judging Agriculture Building 6:30 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 21: Baking Judging (Divisions A–H) Agriculture Building 6:45 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 20: Canning and Preservation Judging (Divisions N [Wine] & O [Beer]) Agriculture Building 7:00 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 117: FFA Crops Judging Agriculture Building 7:30 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 17: Farm & Garden Crops Judging (Divisions A, B & C) Agriculture Building 7:30 pm
Tue 8/6 Dept 20: Canning and Preservation Judging (Divisions A–F) Agriculture Building 7:30 pm
Wed 8/7 Dept 19: Floriculture Judging (Divisions G–M) Agriculture Building 6:30 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 20: Canning and Preservation Judging (Divisions G–M) Agriculture Building 6:30 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 21: Baking Judging (Divisions I–Q) Agriculture Building 6:30 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 25: Arts, Crafts, Hobbies & Antiques Judging (Divisions A, C–J) Agriculture Building 6:30 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 26: Health Care Residents Judging Agriculture Building 6:30 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 22: Household Art Judging Agriculture Building 7:00 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 23: Clothing Construction Judging Agriculture Building 7:00 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 24: Knitting, Crocheting Judging Agriculture Building 7:00 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 17: Farm & Garden Crops Judging (Divisions D–K) Agriculture Building 7:30 am
Wed 8/7 Dept 18: Fruit Judging Agriculture Building 7:30 am
Wed 8/7 4-H Poultry Show Judging Show Tent 8:30 am
Wed 8/7 Livestock entry deadline 12:00 pm
Wed 8/7 4-H Rabbit Judging Show Tent 1:00 pm
Wed 8/7 Dept 16: Rabbit Judging (following 4-H Rabbits) Rabbit Barn 1:30 pm
Wed 8/7 Dept 6: Llama Wool Judging & Dept 8: Sheep Wool Judging Carver County Commons 3:00 pm
Wed 8/7 Dept 108: FFA Sheep Judging Show Tent 4:00 pm
Wed 8/7 Dept 8: Sheep Judging Show Tent 4:00 pm
Thu 8/8 4-H Pigeon & Dove Show Judging
Including Showmanship
Show Tent 7:30 am
Thu 8/8 4-H Swine Show Judging Show Area between Swine & Llama Barns 8:00 am
Thu 8/8 Dept 107: FFA Swine Judging Show Area between Swine & Llama Barns 8:00 am
Thu 8/8 Dept 7: Swine Judging (following FFA Swine) Show Area between Swine & Llama Barns 8:00 am
Thu 8/8 Dept 9-14: Poultry, Waterfowl, Game Birds Judging Poultry Barn 8:00 am
Thu 8/8 Dept 15: Pigeon Show (following 4-H Pigeons) Poultry Barn 8:30 am
Thu 8/8 4-H & FFA (Dept 104) Dairy Show Judges' Square 9:00 am
Thu 8/8 4-H Horse Game Show West Arena 9:00 am
Thu 8/8 4-H Lamb Lead Interviews Show Tent 10:00 am
Thu 8/8 4-H Lamb Lead and Sheep Show Judging Show Tent 11:00 am
Thu 8/8 Plate of Bars Contest
Entry time 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
More info
Agriculture Building 12:45 pm
Thu 8/8 4-H Llama and Alpaca Show: Intermediates & Seniors Show Tent 2:00 pm
Thu 8/8 Open WSCA Horse Game Show
View PDF for more information
West Arena 6:30 pm
Fri 8/9 4-H Goat Show Judging Show Tent 8:30 am
Fri 8/9 4-H Horse Show: Training, Cloverbud, Pleasure & Trail Classes West Arena 8:30 am
Fri 8/9 Dept 4: Dairy Cattle Judging Judges' Square 9:00 am
Fri 8/9 Dept 5: Dairy Goats & Dept 105: FFA Goats Judging (following 4-H Goats) Show Tent 10:00 am
Fri 8/9 Cookie Jar Contest
Entry time 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
More info
Agriculture Building 12:45 pm
Fri 8/9 4-H, FFA (Dept 103) & Dept 3. Beef Show Judges' Square 3:00 pm
Fri 8/9 4-H Cloverbud Horse Show West Arena 4:00 pm
Fri 8/9 Flower Arranging Contest
More info
Tent between Commercial Building & Entertainment Center 4:00 pm
Fri 8/9 4-H Horse Drill Team Exhibition West Arena 7:00 pm
Sat 8/10 4-H & FFA Dairy Judging Contest Judges' Square 9:00 am
Sat 8/10 Open WSCA Horse Performance and Youth Show
View PDF for more information
West Arena 9:00 am
Sat 8/10 Plate of Muffins Contest
Entry time 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
More info
Agriculture Building 12:45 pm
Sat 8/10 Rooster Crowing Contest
More info
Show Tent 1:00 pm
Sat 8/10 4-H Llama Show: Cloverbuds & Juniors Show Tent 5:00 pm
Sat 8/10 Horse Ranch Rodeo
View PDF for more information
West Arena 6:30 pm
Sat 8/10 4-H Llama Costume Show (following Cloverbuds & Juniors) Show Tent 8:00 pm
Sun 8/11 Open NSCA Horse Show Hosted by MN Circuit Riders
View PDF for more information
West Arena 9:00 am
Sun 8/11 4-H Pet/Cat Show Show Tent 12:00 pm
Sun 8/11 4-H Round Robin Showmanship Contest Show Tent 2:00 pm
Sun 8/11 Agriculture Building exhibit pick-up
Departments 17–27 & 117. Any exhibit picked up prior to 8 p.m. Sunday will result in forfeiture of your premium.
Agriculture Building 8:00 pm 10:00 pm
Sun 8/11 Education Building exhibit pick-up
Departments 28–30. Any exhibit picked up prior to 8 p.m. Sunday will result in forfeiture of your premium.
Education Building 8:00 pm 10:00 pm
Mon 8/12 Agriculture Building exhibit pick-up
Departments 17–27 & 117. Any exhibits not removed by noon on Monday will be property of the Carver County Fair.
Agriculture Building 9:00 am 12:00 pm
a judge talks to girls showing rabbits at the Carver County Fair
an exhibitor adjusts his sheep during judging
an exhibitor adjusts his sheep during judging
an assortment of baked goods with ribbons at the Carver County Fair
vegetables with a purple Champion ribbon at the Carver County Fair
two young people showing a cow and her calf at the Carver County Fair
photography exhibits at the Carver County Fair
a girl and her grandpa show off their rooster, ribbon and check from the Carver County Fair rooster crowing contest
quilts displayed in the Agriculture Building at the Carver County Fair
a man rides a horse around a barrel at the Carver County Fair
a llama in the llama barn at the Carver County Fair